How to Retire Early

I don’t normally promote other people’s books or wares but I have a friend (Bob and Robin Charlton) that just published a book entitled “How to Retire Early: Your Guide to Getting Rich Slowly and Retiring on Less“.  This book is sensational.

Sensational Book

I’ve known Bob and Robin for several years now and they are a great couple.  They retired the old-fashioned way at only 43 years old – they saved almost a million dollars in just over 12 years. And they did not have huge salaries — many of you will make more than they did during their working years.   I am not nearly as frugal as they are, but it is amazing what can be done to retire early if you really put your mind to it.

Enough said.  If you want to be inspired by a couple that bares all with a financial transparency that you have never seen before, you have to read this book.  They are fully open about what they had, how they made their money, and how you can do the same to retire early.

It is on sale at Amazon, here is the link:


1 thought on “How to Retire Early

  1. rcharlto

    Steve & Lynn, Thanks for that incredibly kind review! We were surprised and touched to see that you had dedicated one of your pages to our book. What can we say? We appreciate all the support you’ve given us and are really glad you’re enjoying the book and finding it useful. You hit the nail on the head when you talked about “baring it all” and striving for financial transparency. Our intent was exactly that: to provide an honest accounting of our financial journey in the hopes it might help others do the same. The book is continuing to sell and is slowly but surely making progress, so we’re encouraged and hopeful it will continue to find a wider audience. Thanks for being one of our earliest and most enthusiastic supporters! Bob & Robin  

    >________________________________ > From: WeBeTripping Blog >To: >Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 7:52 PM >Subject: [New post] How to Retire Early > > >smiller257 posted: “I don’t normally promote other people’s books or wares but I have a friend (Bob and Robin Charlton) that just published a book entitled “How to Retire Early: Your Guide to Getting Rich Slowly and Retiring on Less”.  This book is sensational. I’ve k” >


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